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Article Tags: natalie bostelman

Last Updated: August 20, 2012

Hello everyone! It’s Natalie Bostelman, your friendly, neighborhood Goodwill Ambassador checking in! We’re getting close to the next big PCH prize event. I am sure everyone is gearing up for the end of August. A few days ago, I reflected upon my own win in August of 2008. What was on my side to get […]

Last Updated: April 12, 2011

Hello PCH blog readers, Just a few weeks ago, I started seeing a different doctor for a check-up. As we talked, the normal topic of, “What do you do?” came up. I smiled and said that I worked for a local company, and that I also worked for Publishers Clearing House. “NO WAY!” he exclaimed. […]

Last Updated: January 11, 2011

I love online games, especially when they are easy to pick up. That can definitely be said for PCHgames Pyramid Solitaire Online Game. What is Pyramid Solitare? As the name suggests, your cards are set up in a “pyramid” in a random order. The object of the game is to remove all the cards by […]

Last Updated: June 3, 2010

Two years ago, I would have never envisioned what happened over Memorial Day weekend. Our house was brimming with our family and friends! That could have never happened two years ago! Two years ago, we were living in a trailer that could barely hold us or any guests that would drop in for a visit. […]

Last Updated: March 2, 2010

By now you have probably heard us say that we’re all about winning here at PCH. On the PCH Blog we often share the stories of our recent winners, the most recent being Marilyn Ragin from Miami, FL who won the $1Million SuperPrize from PCH. It’s no question that winning big or small prizes from […]