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Article Tags: Pay Off Debt

Last Updated: August 15, 2019

Hey there, friends and fans! Debt is a word that most people know all too well. I just read a report that said that the average American has $38,000.00 in debt — and that’s excluding home mortgages. That’s a serious amount of money and I can only imagine the strain it must be putting on […]

Last Updated: July 5, 2018

We’re gearing up for our incredible $1,000.00 A Day For Life SuperPrize, and it’s time for you to start thinking about all of those things you would need to plan out for should you be our lucky winner. Things like vacations, shopping sprees, home improvements. But before you get to all the fun stuff, the […]

Last Updated: January 23, 2018

Hello, my dear Blog chums! Let’s face it, most of us (ME included!) have worried about paying off debt at one time or another. Whether it’s fretting about a credit card bill coming due –– or stressing about a rent, mortgage or car payment that seems to come around faster every month — debt can […]