Hey, Blog Readers – Don’t I Look Like A Million Bucks?!? Now, I may look cooler than a silver dollar in a snowstorm, but since you’re my friends, I’ll tell you, I’m SO excited that my seal is about to burst! As a PCH Big Check, even I don’t get to dress up like this […]
Hey Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check and I’m getting ready to go out on the road to deliver a life-changing fortune in just a few days! My seal is shined… my corners are pressed… and I can’t wait to find out who our next winner is! Is it someone […]
Hey, Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal Lucky, The PCH Big Check and I’m all packed and ready to meet our NEWEST MILLIONAIRE! Would you let me unpack at your house if you’re the Big Winner tomorrow?!? I promise, I tried my best not to over-stuff my suitcase… I’ve got my checkbook to sleep in, […]
Hey Blog Readers, It’s me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check. And my zeros are shaking as I sit here thinking about how there’s only ONE WEEK LEFT TO ENTER our Win It All Prize Event! Now, a week may sound like a lot, but it’s only about… … 168 Hours… or… … 10,080 Minutes… or… […]
Hey, Blog Readers, It’s me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check. My zeros are bouncing with excitement today… can you guess why? It’s all because, later on this month, PCH is doing a Special Early Look for a $7,000.00 A Week For Life Winner! Can you believe it’s happening so soon?!? And, the best part is, […]
Happy Valentine’s Day Blog Fans! It’s me, your pal, Lucky, the PCH Big Check! Now, I know you always see me as having strong corners and bulging zeros … but on Valentine’s Day, I can’t help getting all torn up like an old receipt and showing the world that my ink runs blue just like […]
Hey Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal Lucky, the PCH Big Check and I’m getting ready to go out on the road again to meet our newest millionaire! But you know your pal Lucky always has a shaky payline right before Prize Day… I mean, what if the Winner doesn’t want me… what if there’s a […]
Blog Readers — Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check, is so excited about Prize Day now that the Special Early Look results are in that he’s been writing in his diary non-stop. Take a look at this morning’s message – and comment below to let him know you want to see him on Prize Day! […]
Hey Blog Readers, It’s your pal, Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check! Our big Prize Event is coming up in just days — and I really need your help! You see, the days before our Prize Event always gives me butterflies on my payline! I get so nervous just thinking about who our winner is […]
Hi everyone it’s me Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As you may know, I’m also part of the PCH Video Group where we create the professional quality promotional and educational videos you see across all our sites! Well, hopefully you’ve seen the newest Publishers Clearing House production where Lucky the Big […]