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PCH Blog Insider: A Day in the Life of Debbie K.

PCH Blog Insider: A Day in the Life of Debbie K.

Greetings, fans and friends! Because our PCH Blog readers really love to hear about what goes on behind the scenes at PCH, we’re starting a new series called “A Day in the Life of …” and since I suggested the idea at our weekly blog meeting, I get to go first! So, here’s what happened […]

This Bud’s For You – Our Faithful Family of PCH Blog Readers!

This Bud’s For You – Our Faithful Family of PCH Blog Readers!

Here at Publishers Clearing House, we’re ever-so-fortunate to have such a diverse and loyal group of PCH fans and friends. However, in the few years I’ve been with the company and writing PCH blogs, I’ve noticed something even more special – all of YOU, our fans and friends – have banded together in an online […]

Commenting on the PCH Blog Is NOT How You Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Commenting on the PCH Blog Is NOT How You Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Greetings, fans and friends! One of the most fun things about writing for the PCH Blog is reading all your comments – and I do read them! We love your comments, and we often use them as ideas for future blogs – so thank you for your inspiration! However, I often come across posts where […]

Blog Reader Spotlight: Sybil A. Believes She’ll Become a BIG PCH Winner!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Sybil A. Believes She’ll Become a BIG PCH Winner!

Greetings, fans and friends, and welcome to another motivational Blog Reader Spotlight! Today we feature a PCH fan who’s keeping the faith that someday she’ll become a big-time PCH winner – Sibyl A.! Recently, Sibyl commented on one of our “Motivational Monday” blogs with what she calls her “key to believing” she could win: “Keep believing, stay […]