You’ll be rolling in green on November 30 if you’re declared the PCH Mega Prize winner! Much like Eva Gabor once said in an old PCH TV commercial, “Darlings, you could be a very rich person!”
Apple pie recipes don’t stand a chance against our online sweepstakes recipe!
Why worry about Wall Street when you could be on Easy Street November 30th? That’s when PCH’S GUARANTEED MEGA PRIZE will be awarded!
Do you know how to win a ton of money? It’s possible and easy with an online entry at!
Charlie’s Angels are cool, but they don’t stand a chance against our Big Check carrying Prize Patrol!
This MEGA PRIZE is GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED November 30, no ifs ands or buts.
Be a “frequent entrant” — like I am a “frequent flier” — and enter to win money! You can enter the PCH Sweepstakes for free!
There are no complications and no strings attached if you’re a PCH jackpot winner.
Win Ten Million Dollars in the PCH Online Sweepstakes and you’ll give baseball salaries a run for their money!
Your back to school homework assignment is enter to win the PCH Sweepstakes!