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Article Tags: pch facebook fan page

Last Updated: April 16, 2012

As you know, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol is always on the go awarding those famous Big Checks. Fans like you, bursting with anticipation, always want to know: Who? What? When? Where? Thankfully, in these days of social media, it’s so easy for us to keep you updated, especially when it comes to those […]

Last Updated: April 6, 2012

A few years ago, one of my favorite game shows was auditioning for contestants just a stone’s throw away in New York City, so I decided to give it a shot! What an experience! As I took the train into Manhattan that morning, I gazed out the window and imagined what it would be like […]

Last Updated: March 28, 2012

If you frequently visit the PCH Fan Page, then you know that we love to announce winners.  We announce at least one winner a month but there are way more than that! Here at PCH, we know that loyal blog readers love to hear from winners as much as we like to announce them, so […]

Last Updated: March 27, 2012

Another unforgettable winning moment as Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol surprises our St. Patrick’s Day winner with “more riches”!

Last Updated: March 15, 2012

Facebook can be a wonderful place for folks like you and me to connect with friends, family and certain businesses we enjoy interacting with.  However,  like most great inventions and tools, it can be misused by people in a fraudulent attempt to deceive.  At  Publishers Clearing House,  officials have noticed a couple of “fake’ Facebook […]

Last Updated: March 14, 2012

If you’ve been a fan of Publishers Clearing House for a while, then you know two things for sure about PCH.  First, that it’s all about winning.  And, second, that we love giving you new contests to enter.  If these two things inspire your love for PCH, then you’ll be happy to hear me announce […]

Last Updated: March 13, 2012

November 2, 2015 Update: This SuperFan promotion was a special promotion that was previously offered to consumers and is not currently being offered.  We constantly vary our promotions to bring new and updated excitement for our Facebook Fans, because they’re all Super! To get in on any new Facebook fan promotions, all you have to […]

Last Updated: March 1, 2012

Lights! Camera! Action! On February 29th the Prize Patrol Van’s wheels were rolling and so were the TV Cameras. That’s because on LEAP DAY, the Prize Patrol awarded a millionaire-making SuperPrize to Jason Clark of Pocahontas, AR. Can you imagine the excitement at the Clark household when Dave Sayer, Todd Sloane and Danielle Lam arrived […]

Last Updated: February 28, 2012

Hi all! Happy Tuesday! What’s going on with everyone? I hope you’re enjoying the end of your February. I know I’m ready for March – spring is on its way (not that we had much of a winter here…) and I have lots of fun things planned with friends and family. Let’s see… is there […]

Last Updated: February 21, 2012

Today isn’t just any old Tuesday… It’s Tuesday, 2/21/12 – the last day to enter for a chance to win a SuperPrize on February 29th! Watch the video below for a special message from Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol – she is so excited to get on the road and surprise the next […]