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Article Tags: PCH scammers

Last Updated: September 16, 2019

In this day and age, we all seem to be hooked up to the latest and greatest technology. And there is so much information out there on social media and the internet, and at such a fast pace, that it’s easy to get distracted — and to trust a site that maybe shouldn’t be trusted! […]

Last Updated: March 13, 2019

Greetings, fans and friends, Imagine this: You’re wishing your cousin a happy birthday on Facebook when, all of a sudden, you receive a friend request from Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol, informing you that you have won a million dollars from Publishers Clearing House!  Or … you’re following your favorite movie star on Twitter […]

Last Updated: January 4, 2019

Greetings, fans and friends, It’s sad to say, but it’s a fact of life that there are people out there waiting to take advantage of those of you who hope to win a big PCH prize. They think they can “reel you in” with phony promises! Beware of the scammers lurking out there! You never […]

Last Updated: November 5, 2014

It’s a story I see all too often when interacting with PCH fans in the social space. A fan will leave a comment on our Official PCH Fan Page on Facebook and less than 5 minutes later, they will get a friend request from a scammer claiming to be a PCH employee. Generally, these scammers pass […]

Last Updated: May 23, 2014

We sure do love our fans! What we don’t like one bit, however, is if our fans are approached by scammers claiming they’re from Publishers Clearing House. As much as we try to warn unsuspecting individuals about the difference between the real Publishers Clearing House Sweeps and an illegitimate scam, we too often learn about […]

Last Updated: April 1, 2014

Today is April Fools Day, and it’s supposed to be a day of fun, harmless pranks between friends. Unfortunately there are PCH scammers out there who are determined to make fools of us all — and it’s not all in good fun, either. Some people are out to get your hard-earned money by tricking you […]