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Article Tags: PCH sweepstakes

Last Updated: July 3, 2018

On the afternoon of “PCH Pay Day” on June 29th, Ruth Johnson looked out the door and wondered why her dog Cassy was barking and why neighbors on the street were so excited.  Within seconds she knew!  The Prize Patrol van pulled into her driveway, and Derek and yours truly (Dave) rushed up the steps with […]

Last Updated: June 25, 2018

If you could open the door and see ANYONE standing on the other side, who would you want it to be? This Friday, one lucky winner will win our “Win It All” PCH sweepstakes and see the Prize Patrol standing outside their door with a “Big Check” of $1,000,000.00 plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life! […]

Last Updated: June 13, 2018

With so many great opportunities to win PCH prizes, it’s a no brainer that you would want to stay in it to win it! But today we thought we would share 5 Reasons you should stick with it, and we hope that you’ll tell us the reasons YOU’RE in it to win PCH Sweepstakes! Is […]

Last Updated: April 18, 2018

Some of you – like me – might be senior citizens with children and grandchildren.  Mine are visiting right now, and their presence in the house reminds me how nice it would be to leave them a lot of money later on so they can enjoy their own retirements and provide financial comfort with big […]

Last Updated: March 27, 2018

I’m sure like everyone else, you all have bills to pay. And if you ever won a huge sweepstakes you’d all probably think of paying those off first. Paying your bills would be a breeze! But a life-changing prize would also help you spend money in many more INTERESTING ways! We have thought of a […]

Last Updated: March 19, 2018

Recently, a PCH fan commented here on the blog that four generations of her family members have been entering the PCH Sweepstakes, playing off and on for years. While members of the first and second generations have passed, this fan (the third generation) wanted to prove to her son and daughter (the fourth generation) that […]

Last Updated: March 16, 2018

Hey PCH Fans! Do you know what tomorrow is? If you haven’t guessed by the waves of green decorations, merchandise in stores and advertisements around your neighborhoods, it’s St. Patrick’s Day! Tomorrow is the day where everyone steps out sporting shades of green, four leaf clovers and more! Many people have said that they feel […]

Last Updated: February 5, 2018

You’re trying really hard to win a PCH sweepstakes… you enter here, you enter there – you cross your fingers and toes – but are you doing everything you can to win? Are you even aware of all the many different ways to enter? Well just in case you’re not or you forgot, I’m going […]

Last Updated: January 18, 2018

Win the PCH Sweepstakes and you could live your life like a fairy tale! How would your fairy tale story play out? When I was little, I used to watch all the princess movies and read all the books about princesses. I loved the stories of the princesses with their beautiful flowing gowns, elegant dances […]

Last Updated: January 12, 2018

You’ve imagined what your reaction would be like if you won a “Big Check” from Publishers Clearing House; opening the door and seeing the Prize Patrol there… taking photos with Danielle, Howie, Dave, and Todd… the questions they’d ask you and the answers you’d give them! Now, have you ever wondered how high your scream […]