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Article Tags: PCH sweepstakes

Last Updated: December 28, 2017

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner! 2017 is almost over, and we’re all about to start fresh in the new year: 2018. Isn’t it exciting?! You know what else is exciting? The Prize Patrol could award you $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” on February 23rd, 2018! Yes, you could win the PCH Sweepstakes in […]

Last Updated: November 21, 2017

Where would you like to travel? If you won the PCH Sweepstakes, you could go on some once in a lifetime vacations without worrying about money at all! Take a look, right here, at 5 of the top places you could travel to for once in a lifetime vacations. Bali A Bali beach vacation would […]

Last Updated: November 13, 2017

A SuperPrize of $2.6 Million plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life could be awarded to you on December 22nd during this special early look prize event. Yes, simply by entering to win, you could be awarded a “BIG CHECK” by the Prize Patrol. So, go ahead and enter to win PCH sweepstakes today! What would […]

Last Updated: November 2, 2017

November is such a warm and wonderful month. We’re well into the beautiful season of Autumn now, and everyone is getting ready to show their gratitude on Thanksgiving Day. And like every month – everyone is also hoping to WIN CASH at PCH! So to make sure you make the most of every “winning” opportunity, […]

Last Updated: October 31, 2017

So it’s Halloween, and I’m writing my blog It ain’t a fit night for man, ghost or dog But the Prize Patrol did from their van arise And suddenly NOT to my surprise They put a big BIG Check in their Prize Patrol van Cause nothing stops their delivery plan Though werewolves and witches may […]

Last Updated: June 26, 2017

With summer officially here, a lot of us are starting to daydream about their upcoming summer beach vacations. But, just think how much more you would enjoy your vacation if it didn’t cost you a penny. Want to learn how to win cash for a beach vacation? Read on! At Publishers Clearing House, we have […]

Last Updated: May 18, 2017

In just over a month, PCH will be searching for a “Win It All prize winner. That means someone could actually take home $2 Million upfront, $10,000 A Month For Life and a Lincoln MKZ valued at $36,095.00. Can you imagine winning a fortune like that? No doubt your life would drastically change… but how? […]

Last Updated: May 8, 2017

  Monday. All too often, this poor day of the week is associated with the dreary blahs. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and it’s definitely not at PCH! Here, Monday is another chance to play games, read blogs, bank tokens and WIN BIG MONEY like our latest “Win It All” SuperPrize where […]

Last Updated: March 29, 2017

I’ve been a working man for over sixty years, including summer jobs, an Army tour, two decades with New York ad agencies and 36 years with Publishers Clearing House, “the house where dreams come true.” These last 36 have been the absolute best, not just because I’ve seen dreams come wondrously true for our sweepstakes […]

Last Updated: March 22, 2017

Win the PCH Sweepstakes and You Could Afford Waterfront Property When you browse residential real estate ads in the paper, why is it that homes on the water always command the highest prices?  Maybe it’s because looking out over a lake or a river is not only beautiful but more relaxing than a scene of […]