When Haliimaile, Hawaii resident Ralph Esparza Jr. opened his front door and became the surprised recipient of roses, balloons and a Big Check — for $100,000 — he simply could not believe it. When the Prize Patrol told him that this “winning moment” was 100% real (just like he’d seen on TV), he replied, “[I’m […]
Greetings, fans and friends! Do you want to win a PCH prize? Do I have to even ask this question? If you’re a PCH fan, your mind is set on being a PCH winner! Now, I must admit, becoming a PCH winner may not be easy. It takes persistence. It takes patience. It takes a […]
Greetings, fans and friends, A few weeks ago here on our #WinnerWednesday blog, I introduced you to Car-Mile W., a winner of several small Publishers Clearing House prizes and a self-described “PCH Professional Entrant,” who’s been entering our Sweeps for 24 years. In fact, Car-Mile sent me photos of the “Vision Board” (shown above) she’s […]
Greetings, fans and friends! Are PCH winners real? If you’re a PCH fan, you probably know that the answer is YES! You’ve seen those winning moments on TV and on PCH’s Facebook page. But did you know that the majority of PCH winners win small prizes like $10, $20, $100 … as well as gift […]
Greetings, fans and friends! Another day … another Giveaway … another happy PCH prize winner! As you probably know, on June 30th, we awarded $1 Million to a lucky winner in Los Angeles. Then, on July 8th, we awarded our $1 Million Keno Cashout event prize to another lucky winner in Oregon. And today, July […]
Greetings, fans and friends! If you’d like to become today’s PCH’s winner of a $1,000,000 SuperPrize, say “I do!” Oh, I hear a lot of “I do’s” out there! From the east coast … to the west coast … to the heartland of America and every place in-between, ALL of you would like to become […]
Greetings, Fans and Friends – it’s #Winner Wednesday! Today, May 13th, is National Third Shift Workers Day, also known as National Night Shift Workers Day, honoring all workers who work hard through the night, night after night. National Third Shift Workers Day is especially significant right now because of all our essential workers – healthcare […]
Greetings, Fans and Friends, and Happy #Winner Wednesday. I hope you are feeling well and dealing with this crazy world as best you can! In addition to being #Winner Wednesday, the day we celebrate PCH winners of smaller prizes, AND April Fool’s Day, did you know that April 1st is also National Walking Day AND […]
Greetings, Fans and Friends, And Happy #Winner Wednesday, the day we celebrate PCH’s smaller prize winners! As you may know from reading these #WinnerWednesday blogs, I like to go to PCHSearch&Win and find out what type of unusual holiday or observance to write about. And today, March 18, is Transit Driver Appreciation Day! Bus drivers […]
Greetings, fans and friends! Happy #WinnerWednesday! … and Happy March Forth and Do Something Day! That’s right, a simple search on PCHSearch&Win enlightened me that today is March Forth and Do Something Day! March 4th – March Forth, get it? I found out that a great way to celebrate March Forth and Do Something Day […]