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Article Tags: PCH

Last Updated: December 28, 2011

Ring in the New Year with extra CASH! Simply head on over to PCHSearchandWin today and search to receive DOUBLE entries for a chance to WIN CASH on New Year’s Day! But, HURRY because today is the last day to enter. Ah, New Year’s Day! How will you be spending your time? Will you be […]

Last Updated: December 27, 2011

One late Monday afternoon, as I sat at my desk here in PCH headquarters, I received a call from Danielle Lam. “Do you want to come on Prize Patrol with me?” she asked. I sputtered out a “yes” and Danielle went on to tell me that we would be traveling to Newark, NJ to surprise […]

Last Updated: December 23, 2011

The PCH Prize Patrol or Santa Claus – who has a better job? A debate would compare responsibilities and satisfaction for both jobs.

Last Updated: December 22, 2011

A little act of kindness can make a big difference AND be very rewarding! Just ask Laurie Venegas! She won $5,000.00 cash from the Publishers Clearing House “Give Back” Giveaway. She’s no stranger to caring for her community and to entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes (she’s been entering loyally since she was 18 years […]

Last Updated: December 21, 2011

Does this sound familiar to you? You receive an email, letter or phone call claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House and informing you that you’ve won the PCH sweepstakes! To claim your prize, you must call a given number. Your heart races as you dial the number.   As you thank the person on the […]

Last Updated: December 19, 2011

Publishers Clearing House wants to know if you’ve noticed something’s changed? Yes, it’s gotten a little colder outside and it’s getting much darker earlier. But, have you noticed our SuperPrize on has changed to $1,OOO,OOO.OO Every Year For Life?! It’s been said that change is good. And, winning a life-changing Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize […]

Last Updated: December 16, 2011

The first PCH win for life winner said “Life is Good” when we checked with her 2 1/2 years later.

Last Updated: December 15, 2011

People love getting mail from Publishers Clearing House! Folks open our mail (and email, for that matter) with a sense of excitement and anticipation knowing that amazing opportunities are inside. But recently Publishers Clearing House (PCH) sent over 300 envelopes that are very special, indeed! Holiday Mail For Heroes Recently, a patriotic group of Publishers […]

Last Updated: December 14, 2011

The Prize Patrol is delivering a $25,000 Big Check today to the winning charity in our Give Back charity event!