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Article Tags: PCH

Last Updated: November 9, 2022

How will you know that you really won a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House and are not being scammed by an imposter? You’ll know for sure because the Prize Patrol will come right to your home and present you a Big Check, flowers and a bottle of Champagne just like Howie Guja did to […]

Last Updated: November 2, 2022

When Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arrived at the home of Christopher Smith in Abington, Massachusetts, only his wife was at home. “Shut the front door!” was her knee-jerk reaction after finding out that her husband was a winner. “I’m ecstatic and it’s just a surreal moment.” When Chris returned home, he had a grin […]

Last Updated: October 19, 2022

Jeffrey Hovan and his wife were out shopping in Oak Hill, Florida when PCH Prize Patrol arrived at a neighbor’s house and asked her to call the Hovans. After being told that they had a special delivery, Jeffrey came home and was greeted by Prize Patrol with balloons, flowers, a bottle of Champagne and a […]

Last Updated: October 12, 2022

When PCH Prize Patrol arrived at the home of Jasmin Rodrigues in Napa, California with prizes in hand, only her young son Vincent was home. He called Jasmin at work and told her that people were coming with a special delivery. When PCH arrived at Jasmin’s place of employment, she was visibly overwhelmed. “I feel […]

Last Updated: October 5, 2022

Jenna Rudd of Newnan, Georgia had just gotten home from an all-night work shift and was about to go to sleep when her dad came in and told her the Prize Patrol was at the front door! Howie and Loren of PCH Prize Patrol presented Jenna with a choice: a new home theater system or […]

Last Updated: September 28, 2022

When Danielle Lam of PCH Prize Patrol arrived at the home of Robert Splan in Gold Canyon, Arizona, only his wife, Johanna, was home. She told Danielle that she used to tease her husband about entering, but now realizes that it’s not fake. Within 20 minutes Robert returned home and had a choice between a […]

Last Updated: September 21, 2022

When the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol showed up at the home of Sun City, Arizona resident Janet Voeltz with balloons, flowers and a giant check worth $10,000, the mother of two seemed initially skeptical. “Oh my goodness sakes,” said Janet. “Really? You’re not joking? I can’t believe it. Thank you! I’ve never had cameras […]

Last Updated: September 14, 2022

When Candace Greer of Tulsa, Oklahoma saw the Prize Patrol at her door, she immediately knew what was happening because she enters Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes all of the time. “You’re the best,” she said. “You have no idea how much work I have to do on this house. I got laid off due to […]

Last Updated: September 7, 2022

When Yolanda McNeal of Detroit, Michigan answered her door and saw a grinning Howie Guja of PCH Prize Patrol standing there with flowers and balloons, she was initially cautious about the situation. After being coaxed outside, Yolanda was presented with a choice that she wasn’t expecting that day: accepting a scooter package or the cash […]

Last Updated: August 31, 2022

Valarie Turner of Kilmarnock, Virginia was relaxing at home and watching Let’s Make a Deal in between her summer school bus runs when Dave Sayer and Howie Guja of PCH Prize Patrol knocked on her door. Valarie screamed with excitement and her eyes popped when she saw the balloons, flowers and a giant check for […]