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Article Tags: Prize Patrol

Last Updated: March 3, 2018

The day is finally here, PCH fans! It’s Power Prize day! The Prize Patrol is on the road right now with a HUGE prize for a lucky winner. Not only is this prize quite an impressive amount of money but it’s also GUARANTEED to be awarded! That’s right, fans! This incredible prize is going to […]

Last Updated: February 26, 2018

“It’s hard to keep track of them!” Danielle Lam says with a laugh. Danielle Lam, Prize Patrol Elite Team member, has seen her share of prizes throughout the years. Some are medium-sized (but who would say no to $25,000.00 or a Brand New Car? Some are gigantic (like our recently awarded $5,000.00 A Week For […]

Last Updated: February 24, 2018

Congrats to our newest “Forever” Prize winner! I’m sure most of you are happy for your fellow PCH Fan and their family. But it’s natural if some of you are a little discouraged that you weren’t selected as the winner of this prize. I hope you could shake off that discouragement. There are still prizes […]

Last Updated: February 19, 2018

Let’s face it, PCH fans, Mondays can be rough!  After two days filled with fun activities or relaxation, getting back to the daily grind is never easy. Ever wish that every day of your life could feel just like the weekend? Or maybe you’ve wished that you could take some time out from your busy […]

Last Updated: February 15, 2018

When you have one of the best jobs in the world, there’s bound to be a lot of things you like about it. So, when I recently asked Prize Patrol Elite members Danielle Lam and Howie Guja what their favorite things were on a typical Prize Day, I’m sure their thoughts could fill a whole […]

Last Updated: February 8, 2018

They say that nothing lasts forever, but the Prize Patrol would disagree! The excitement of winning a “Forever” Prize ($5,000.00 A Week For Life, and then after that, $5,000.00 A Week for Life to a loved one) lasts more than a fleeting moment. If you were to win, that feeling would probably last for as […]

Last Updated: February 6, 2018

How has your winter been so far — weather-wise?  Much of the country has experienced historically low temperatures, and millions have experienced blizzards, record rainfalls and natural disasters. All of this has not kept the Prize Patrol from going on the road to surprise lucky winners with Big Checks.  Plus — every week we present […]

Last Updated: January 18, 2018

Win the PCH Sweepstakes and you could live your life like a fairy tale! How would your fairy tale story play out? When I was little, I used to watch all the princess movies and read all the books about princesses. I loved the stories of the princesses with their beautiful flowing gowns, elegant dances […]

Last Updated: January 5, 2018

If you saw “Inside PCH” on December 18, you saw a collection of “winning moments” from 2017 – and what a year it was!  In case you missed the LIVE edition of Inside PCH you can check it out on our PCH Fan Page on Facebook. But there was one “winning moment” among the recap’s […]

Last Updated: January 4, 2018

I recently saw my colleague Todd Sloane on our live Facebook Show “Inside PCH” (be sure to tune in Mondays at 2 PM, ET) talking about the early days of the PCH Prize Patrol.  It brought back winning moment memories of long-ago surprise visits to the homes of sweepstakes winners.  One memory in particular could […]