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Article Tags: Prize Patrol

Last Updated: December 25, 2015

Hello PCH Fans! Today we wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas from all of us here at Publishers Clearing House! In honor of today’s special holiday, we’re sharing a fun poem called “Prize Patrol,” sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells”! Go ahead, and sing along now! Prize Patrol (Sung to […]

Last Updated: December 23, 2015

Todd Sloane and I founded the Prize Patrol twenty-seven years ago — when we decided to surprise our prizewinners in-person rather than with phone calls.  How exciting for the winners themselves!  And how exciting for TV viewers who could see the actual “winning moment” and realize that ordinary folks like themselves could win prizes worth […]

Last Updated: December 17, 2015

Can you believe it?  There are some people who don’t believe in Santa Claus! What’s more, you wouldn’t believe how many people I meet who don’t believe in the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol!!!  What’s wrong with them? There I’ll stand – in my Prize Patrol blazer – looking just like I have in PCH […]

Last Updated: December 10, 2015

What kind of day lies ahead for you on this December 10th?   There’s a numbered list of possibilities below.  To find out, take the amazing little quiz below.  BUT do not look ahead until you’ve done the math. Here’s the amazing little quiz.  But again, DON’T LOOK AHEAD. The Quiz Pick a number from 1-9. […]

Last Updated: November 20, 2015

Nicholas Kristof, a frequent op-ed columnist for The New York Times (the paper whose motto is “All the news that’s fit to print”), recently wrote about how journalists tend to speak out about war, scandals and disasters.  He himself pleads guilty to overlooking important things happening in the world that are truly good news. I […]

Last Updated: November 13, 2015

The media – not to mention some ambitious real estate brokers – are already talking about where the nation’s First Family will move when President Obama vacates 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – better known as the White House — in early 2017.  Will they move back to Chicago from where they came? Or relocate to New […]

Last Updated: October 22, 2015

After spending many hours on Prize Patrol duty delivering a Big Check or two, Todd, Danielle and I have been known to have a night-cap in the hotel’s lounge – at which time we recount the day’s adventures and plan the next day’s activities.  The conversation inevitably includes some memories of past sweepstakes winners and […]

Last Updated: October 7, 2015

Turn on your TV and I can promise you that you’ll see commercial after commercial showing a well-dressed person deliriously happy – because he or she used the right deodorant, ate the healthiest breakfast, drank the bubbliest soft drink, took the “approved” cold medicine, wore the sexiest bathing suit, drove the snazziest new car, and […]

Last Updated: September 17, 2015

There’s an old saying that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” I suppose, then, that we should be flattered — that a well-known celebrity has based a new TV show on the idea of surprising people on their doorsteps with big cash prizes.  Similarly, a major car manufacturer has recently run a TV ad […]

Last Updated: September 14, 2015

Hi blog readers! I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…we LOVE when fans like you comment on our blogs. And I promise, we DO take the time to read everything you have to say! In fact, I can prove it to you! You see, just recently, we picked out some of your funniest, most […]