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Article Tags: Prize Patrol

Last Updated: October 13, 2014

As a firefighter David McKinnis was used to being roused from sleep by alarms calling him to duty.  But that was years ago.  Now that he is retired he and his wife Julie like to sleep late, especially on their days-off from part-time jobs.  Well, the PCH Prize Patrol rang the doorbell of their Odessa, […]

Last Updated: October 3, 2014

Hi blog readers! It’s me, Danielle Lam from the Prize Patrol Elite team! I started writing a poem for all my PCH fans and wanted to see if you could help me complete it. What do YOU think the last line should be?? Here are some ideas: “I will definitely SCREAM!” “It will be my […]

Last Updated: October 1, 2014

Hi Dan-yellers! Do you want to get the most up-to date-information on Publishers Clearing House prize awards? What about behind the scenes photos and videos of PCH headquarters and our travels from the road when we go award “Big Checks?”  And how about getting to know more about me and the Prize Patrol by seeing […]

Last Updated: September 22, 2014

Even if we are not dressed in our official Prize Patrol blue blazers, the TSA security personnel at airports know why Danielle, Todd and I are getting on a plane.  They see the big, bright Prize Patrol logos on our wheelie-suitcases, and their usual stony faces break into smiles.  “Are you sure you aren’t looking for […]

Last Updated: September 16, 2014

Hi everyone, it’s me Danielle with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team!  As you probably know by now, I’m part of the PCH video group where we create new and exciting videos tailored to what our loyal fans want to know. We recently came up with a new video series called Howie Helps and I realized…I never […]

Last Updated: September 3, 2014

Every summer I urge you PCH Blog readers to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, even if you are afraid you might be away if and when the Prize Patrol comes to call. In recent months we have arrived at some winners’ doors and found no one home.  Not to worry.  The Big Checks were […]

Last Updated: August 27, 2014

You don’t need me to remind you how depressing it can be to watch the news on TV.  It seems like all we get is bad news: war, fire and famine, death and despair, crime and corruption, disease and disaster, deadlocks and lock-ups.  Yikes!  Wouldn’t you like to see some good news for a change? […]

Last Updated: August 19, 2014

We wanted to come up with a fun way to answer some of the questions you fans have been asking about how to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. So we put Danielle Lam and Todd Sloane of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team head to head in a game show-like competition to see who knows […]

Last Updated: August 16, 2014

Hi everyone, it’s Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol. If you are on Facebook you probably have seen the viral videos of friends and family pouring buckets of ice water over their heads in the hopes of spreading awareness for the ALS Association. If you don’t know, ALS is often referred to as “Lou […]

Last Updated: August 13, 2014

Near or far, no matter where the Prize Patrol travels to award the BIG CHECK there is always a pit stop at a local florist. As many of you know, the Prize Patrol awards are not complete without the champagne, balloons, and of course the gorgeous red roses! PCH takes pride in our signature items […]