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Article Tags: Prize Patrol

Last Updated: September 18, 2013

As you know, 2013 is a historic year for PCH. It is a year of anniversaries! Not only is it the 60th anniversary of the company’s founding, it is ALSO the 25th anniversary of the Prize Patrol! Yep, 25 years ago this summer, the Prize Patrol made their first trip to surprise a sweepstakes winner. […]

Last Updated: September 12, 2013

If you’ve followed our blogs for a while you’ve read about several anniversaries we’ve observed at Publishers Clearing House – like 2013’s 60th anniversary of our founding in 1953, how in 1967 we added the PCH Sweepstakes to our mailings, and how that now-legendary enterprise has made thousands of people richer by almost a quarter […]

Last Updated: September 5, 2013

Hi everyone, it’s Danielle Lam with the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol. Giving away money is a serious job. Once we find out a winner (only a few days before the award date), the PCH Prize Patrol needs to make travel arrangements, travel the country, and find our winners – PHEW that’s a lot of […]

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

WOW! I can’t believe the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize is RIGHT around the corner! It’s just a few days away! As you probably know, I’m on Facebook and Twitter all the time listening to and responding to fan comments…and I can tell you that PCH fans are super excited for the chance to win […]

Last Updated: May 23, 2013

Well, Season 6 of AMC’s “Mad Men” series is officially off to a buzz-creating start. While the show’s creators are understandably cagey about a lot of questions like “Will he or won’t he?” or ‘Will they or won’t they?” or “What will happen at the Sterling Cooper ad agency?,” they have revealed that Season 7 […]

Last Updated: April 29, 2013

Don’t be left in the dark!  Follow the trail of the PCH Prize Patrol with up-to-the-minute postings on the PCHBlog & Facebook on Award Day! We’re about to begin a very special day here at PCH and there’s nothing more exciting than sharing all the excitement with our biggest fans! That’s right…tomorrow, April 30th, is […]

Last Updated: April 11, 2013

It’s Throwback Thursday again! Today you’re in for a HUGE treat ― Dave, Todd and Danielle before they were the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol. This popular trio just might be the most coveted houseguests in America! But before they were jet-setting all over the country awarding Millionaire-Making SuperPrizes, they were regular (and adorable) kids. […]

Last Updated: December 20, 2012

As Christmas approaches I always remember a long-form TV commercial idea that some advertising colleagues cooked up for PCH but which never got produced.  It parodied the debates seen on “crossfire” talk shows and featured me – as head of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arguing with Santa Claus as to who has the […]

Last Updated: December 17, 2012

Having worked at PCH for nearly a year, my ultimate dream was to join the Prize Patrol on the road for a prize delivery. So, naturally, when I was asked just earlier this week if I wanted to help deliver the GIGANTIC $1.25 Million PCHlotto jackpot, I answered with an exuberant “yes!” and spent the […]

Last Updated: November 29, 2012

Hey Friends and Fans, There are hundreds of quotes and sayings about the importance of preparation and being prepared. Many have posited that preparation is the key to success and, without it, we cannot successfully achieve our goals. I’ve always believed that preparation is an important – often fundamental – part of success. As many […]