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Article Tags: publishers clearing house sweepstakes

Last Updated: May 18, 2011

Who knew it was National Transportation Week? At, we must confess, we only just heard about it. But, what better way to celebrate than to offer a chance for you to win a fantastic piece of transportation – a brand new Ford Escape Hybrid SUV, plus $2,OOO.OO worth of gas (Gwy. No. 1553)! How […]

Last Updated: May 13, 2011

When the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arrives at a winner’s door, folks don’t ask us for proof of identity.

Last Updated: April 28, 2011

For a few months now, a small group of PCHers have been busy re-designing and testing the official online home of Publishers Clearing House, better known as has been around for over 10 years and has been the go to source for submitting your PCH sweepstakes entries online. Over the years, the site […]

Last Updated: April 18, 2011

A Green Jacket worth $1.4 MILLION or Navy Blazers that could mean $10 MILLION – which would you prefer?

Last Updated: April 12, 2011

Hello PCH blog readers, Just a few weeks ago, I started seeing a different doctor for a check-up. As we talked, the normal topic of, “What do you do?” came up. I smiled and said that I worked for a local company, and that I also worked for Publishers Clearing House. “NO WAY!” he exclaimed. […]

Last Updated: April 11, 2011

You can enter the race for the next Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize worth millions of dollars without spending a single penny.

Last Updated: March 31, 2011

The PCH Prize Patrol never visited Doris. C from Louisville, OH to award her a $10,000 Publishers Clearing House instant win cash prize. The Publishers Clearing House Instant Winner didn’t receive the bouquet of roses or balloons along with her PCH prize. Although her winning moment happened in the online realm, she was probably just […]

Last Updated: March 18, 2011

It’s time for spring cleaning. Not just around the house, but time to clean out some fuzzy thinking that slows some people from entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!

Last Updated: March 14, 2011

“Listen to Mother” is something many of us heard while growing up, and it can still be winning advice, even for us adults.

Last Updated: March 9, 2011

After subscribing to Fortune Magazine and reading the February issue, I kept spotting news stories, like this one from PC World, about the economy and online shopping all over the internet. It’s no secret that online shoppers haven’t been as active because of the tough economy but things seem to be turning for the better […]