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Article Tags: Publishers Clearing House

Last Updated: September 2, 2011

Publishers Clearing House fraud prevention tips could pay off big by saving you from being fooled by imitators.

Last Updated: September 1, 2011

Wow! It is September 1st and that means it has officially the DAY AFTER the 8/31 SuperPrize Event. Congratulations to Larry B. of Granite City, Illinois! Larry is now $1,000,000.00 richer! I hope everyone kept up with the excitement on the PCH Fan page. Check out Larry with his Big Check! Larry and the Prize […]

Last Updated: August 31, 2011

As I walked through the doors at Publishers Clearing House there was a buzz of excitement in the air. I glanced at my phone’s calendar and then it hit me – Today’s the day! The Prize Patrol is out on the road, RIGHT NOW, in hot pursuit of our August 31st SuperPrize Event Winner! On […]

Last Updated: August 30, 2011

Does Dave Sayer wear lucky socks the day he awards a millionaire-making SuperPrize®? How does Todd Sloane mentally prepare for answering the questions of TV reporters? What’s Danielle Lam’s biggest “winning moment” worry? For the first time ever, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol will be answering your questions on the PCH Fan Page this […]

Last Updated: August 29, 2011

Million Dollar Winner Stephanie Gornichec and her husband Shaun were surprised by the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol with a life-changing SuperPrize two years ago this month.

Last Updated: August 25, 2011

You may have heard that the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol likes to keep PCH fans up to date, but did you know that they even keep in touch with fans while on the road?  If you “like” our PCH Fan page, you may have seen that during past giveaways Danielle, Todd, and Dave like […]

Last Updated: August 24, 2011

August is ending and you know what that means – change is in the air! Long lazy days outdoors will soon give way to cozy nights curled up inside, away from the cold. But even as the weather changes, one thing that will never run cold is the excitement we have at Publishers Clearing House […]

Last Updated: August 23, 2011

Gather ‘round everybody. Step right up and play a classic amusement park game. Have FUN!! Earn TOKENS! And maybe even WIN PRIZES! Sorry, I just got carried away. I’ve been playing Carniball at PCHgames, getting ready to play in the exciting Tournament tomorrow (8/24). Carniball has all the fun and features of Skee Ball, but […]

Last Updated: August 22, 2011

The online entry deadline is today for fast (and welcome) economic relief!

Last Updated: August 19, 2011

Win our $5000 A Week For Life Online Sweepstakes and get a weekly paycheck doing nothing for the money!