If you use Facebook, you’ve probably noticed by now that it has given itself a “Facelift” with the new Facebook Timeline format. It’s all in the hopes that it will help you tell the story of your life better, while you enjoy the stories of your favorite friends, companies and organizations. We believe that the […]
It’s that time again–time for you to break free of winter’s grip and book a fabulous spring vacation! I have an 18-year-old nephew who’s dying to experience his first Spring Break. Excitement is calling, the lure is irresistible…but, as he puts it, he’s got “cash flow problems.” If you too are dying to get […]
It’s almost April Fool’s Day. Time for some to think about playing and avoiding pranks. Some pranks are innocent and in good fun. Then there are the pranks that are literally CRIMINAL … like those crooks who pose as legitimate sweepstakes officials in an attempt to rob trusting people of their hard earned money. The […]
A knock knock from the PCH Prize Patrol is no joke!
If you frequently visit the PCH Fan Page, then you know that we love to announce winners. We announce at least one winner a month but there are way more than that! Here at PCH, we know that loyal blog readers love to hear from winners as much as we like to announce them, so […]
Hello, PCH Friends! It’s that time of year again … tax season! Have you done your taxes yet? Do you have a refund coming your way or will you soon be getting out your checkbook to square things up with Uncle Sam? Every spring , I’m reminded that the old adage about death and taxes […]
Recently, I was driving my daughter and some friends to play practice when I heard the following exchange in the back of the minivan: Friend #1: What is this music? Friend #2 It’s TERRIBLE! My Daughter: Oh, yeah, that’s just my mom’s lame old-time music! Lame? Old-time? The radio station I was listening to plays […]
Hey PCHers, Spring has sprung! Warm weather is here and do you know what that means? A brand new baseball season is just around the corner. Players and coaches can be seen rising from the dark dugouts as loyal fans come out to the ballpark and start filing in to watch their beloved teams prepare […]
Facebook can be a wonderful place for folks like you and me to connect with friends, family and certain businesses we enjoy interacting with. However, like most great inventions and tools, it can be misused by people in a fraudulent attempt to deceive. At Publishers Clearing House, officials have noticed a couple of “fake’ Facebook […]
If you’ve been a fan of Publishers Clearing House for a while, then you know two things for sure about PCH. First, that it’s all about winning. And, second, that we love giving you new contests to enter. If these two things inspire your love for PCH, then you’ll be happy to hear me announce […]