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Article Tags: Sweepstakes and Contests

Last Updated: February 25, 2010

I left my home in Toldeo, Ohio yesterday to deliver some of the best news anyone could possibly receive – the news that one lucky person just won a $1 Million SuperPrize from Publishers Clearing House! Before I tell you how I got to this point, let me first back up a little bit. My […]

Last Updated: February 24, 2010

Travel plans have been finalized and the PCH Prize Patrol has been dispatched. They are on a new mission to make a surprise $1 Million SuperPrize award to a new Publishers Clearing House winner. The Prize Patrol van will be full because accompanying the cash sweepstakes prize award team will be our PCH Goodwill Ambassador, […]

Last Updated: February 17, 2010

Let the Questions Begin… It started even before I left for my prize award trip. With a week of preparation and anticipation, I shared the news with my nearest and dearest that I was going to be a Prize Patrol Deputy for PCH. I expected to be asked where I was going and what I […]

Last Updated: February 16, 2010

Just Out Of The Shower, Just in Case As you may know by now, we like to catch our winners by surprise and bring some completely unexpected joy into their lives. But sometimes, every so often, word gets around BEFORE we reach the town we’re visiting that PCH is on the way there for a […]

Last Updated: February 12, 2010

If you were at your computer yesterday sending in an online sweepstakes entry while Mother Nature was spewing out white flakes in record volumes along the eastern seaboard, you may have wondered if PCH received and processed your contest entry. In spite of the heavy snowstorm recently labeled Snowmageddon, the PCH systems did continue to […]

Last Updated: February 10, 2010

Gas Tank On Empty, But A Full Tank Of Enthusiasm! You know those cool itineraries you often see in your PCH entry forms where we spell out exactly where the PCH Prize Patrol might stop for gas before making a surprise prize delivery? They really are great tools to help you see where we might […]

Last Updated: January 29, 2010

Across winding roads, over rolling hills and past rows of windmills the PCH Prize Patrol van cruised toward the destination of our next cash sweepstakes winner in Salem, WI. Our first stop was the florist for a dozen roses and assistance with helium balloons for the PCH sweepstakes winning moment. Straight from the very inquisitive […]

Last Updated: January 28, 2010

Our trip to Baraboo included a drive through Madison, Wisconsin where we admired and photographed the impressive state capitol building. Then it was off to the florist in Baraboo where the congenial staff prepared a dozen roses and helium balloons for the surprise winning moment of our new PCH Cash Sweepstakes Prize Winner, Mike Schultz. […]

Last Updated: January 21, 2010

Very often when planning our Prize Patrol trips, we call ahead to the local florists to pre-order the dozen roses for the PCH winners. We’ll tell the florist who we are and why we need to pick up the flowers on an exact day and time. Sometimes they believe it’s the PCH Prize Patrol and […]

Last Updated: January 19, 2010

A lot of people are having fun with PCH Games Mahjongg Dimensions! They’re playing online and commenting in message boards and other social media. One blog article on Mahjongg Dimensions at Publishers Clearing House claims it’s so entertaining you might get hooked! On the Publishers Clearing House Mahjong Tournament home page online game players are […]