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Article Tags: Sweepstakes

Last Updated: December 5, 2011

The day the Prize Patrol had been waiting for had finally arrived – November 30th, Mega Prize award day!  This is the largest prize I have ever awarded and I couldn’t wait to find out what the lucky winner would be like. This Prize Patrol award had a special energy to it. A team from […]

Last Updated: December 2, 2011

Advice following Mega Prize award: Keep Plugging Away and Enter Our Online Sweepstakes!

Last Updated: December 1, 2011

The winner has been surprised, the champagne has been popped, and the Prize Patrol has driven away in the Prize Patrol van to let the new winner settle down with his new life. Congratulations to the Publishers Clearing House Mega Prize winner: Leroy Faulks, Sr of Orange, NJ. I hope that this HUGE prize will […]

Last Updated: November 30, 2011

Hey Everyone!! Today is Wednesday, November 30th. Do you know what that means? The Prize Patrol is out on the road, RIGHT NOW, in hot pursuit of our FIRST EVER November 30th Mega Prize Winner! WOW! YES, today a lucky winner will be presented with $1,000,000.00 On The Spot PLUS $5,000.00 A Week For Life. […]

Last Updated: November 18, 2011

In just days, we are GUARANTEEING to award a huge lifetime Publishers Clearing House prize. Yes, THE MEGA PRIZE – $1,OOO,OOO.OO On The Spot PLUS $5,OOO.OO A Week For Life – will be awarded by the Prize Patrol on November 30th.  Only one question remains: Who will be that lucky first EVER Mega Prize winner? […]

Last Updated: November 15, 2011

The clock is ticking as we count down to two super deadlines: the government’s super committee and the PCH Super Prize!

Last Updated: November 8, 2011

We’re entering the heart of fall. The trees in the PCH parking lots are looking more autumnal. Most of the leaves are reddening and yellowing and falling down, while all of the pine trees, tall, thrust upward in well-filled tufts of greenish blue. Employees wearing overcoats and sweatshirts step on the fallen leaves adorning the […]

Last Updated: November 4, 2011

You’ll be rolling in green on November 30 if you’re declared the PCH Mega Prize winner! Much like Eva Gabor once said in an old PCH TV commercial, “Darlings, you could be a very rich person!”

Last Updated: October 11, 2011

PCH Definition: Cy-ber-nate [sahy-ber-neyt] verb (used without object), -nat.ed, -na.ting 1. To withdraw or become “dormant” in PCH online activity (i.e. PCHlotto, PCHgames, PCHSearch&Win and 2. To knowingly forfeit daily prize opportunities by lack of game play. ————————————————————————————— It’s easy to fall victim to what we like to call “cybernation.” If you’re like me, […]

Last Updated: October 7, 2011

A retirement plan cartoon appeared which made all of us at PCH headquarters laugh out loud. It said, “We don’t exactly have a pension plan, but we do encourage our employees to enter the PCH Sweepstakes.”