Hello Friends and Fans! Have you downloaded the Wincredible app for iPhone yet? It has TONS of fun FREE-TO-PLAY trivia right at your fingertips! And, with 10 categories to choose from, you will be entertained all day long! So, if you haven’t downloaded by now… Here Are 5 Reasons You Totally Should! Reason #1: You […]
It seems that competition isn’t limited to sports these days — like college and professional athletics, golf and tennis tournaments or global events like the big summer sporting event. You can hardly turn on the TV without seeing a competition between dancers, chefs, home decorators, models, singers, dogs or beaches. Houses are even competing against […]
As everyone knows (or should know!), every day there are lots of people who win at PCH! We give out prizes all the time online, and when they’re big SuperPrizes, the Prize Patrol gets to go out and deliver them in person! One of these most recent visits was to Paula “Pepper” Bailey of Naples, […]
Whether you are in school now, or recently, or many years ago, you will remember — I’m sure — the anticipation of getting back to the classroom, and homework, and extracurricular activities, and MORE homework! Well, class, I’d like to give you your homework assignment – for today AND every day: Enter the Publishers Clearing […]