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Check Out The Last Month In Winning For 2017!

Check Out The Last Month In Winning For 2017!

Can you believe it’s the end of December? That means a few things: we’ve celebrated the holiday season, we’re preparing for New Year’s, and PCH has awarded plenty of new winners! Of course, PCH is known for awarding incredible prizes, like the $1,000,000 SuperPrize we just delivered on December 23rd. But there are so many […]

Happy Thanksgiving! Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For November

Happy Thanksgiving! Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For November

November is such a warm and wonderful month. We’re well into the beautiful season of Autumn now, and everyone is getting ready to show their gratitude on Thanksgiving Day. And like every month – everyone is also hoping to WIN CASH at PCH! So to make sure you make the most of every “winning” opportunity, […]

September Smiles: The Month In Winning at PCHPlay&Win!

September Smiles: The Month In Winning at PCHPlay&Win!

It’s Autumn! September 22nd made it official. Autumn in New York (where PCH Headquarters is located) is absolutely beautiful. The cool temperatures and the warm colors are a Win Win combination. PCH has some Win Win combinations too! For example, the exciting properties that make up PCHPlay&Win, where you can WIN WIN CASH every day: […]

What’s In A Name? The Initials Contest Explained!

Someone with YOUR initials will definitely WIN CASH! Centuries ago, William Shakespeare brought these famous words to the lips of a young, lovelorn Juliet Capulet… “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” In other words, you could call a rose a steamboat, a turkey, […]