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Article Tags: winner interview

Last Updated: July 30, 2020

The Prize Patrol of Publishers Clearing House are no strangers to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. From appearances on your favorite game shows to shooting commercials with celebrities, showbiz is a part of what we do! But rarely do we have a PCH winner who’s been a part of it all just as long […]

Last Updated: July 17, 2020

It was a beautiful late spring day in a Michigan suburb when the Prize Patrol arrived to turn Loriane’s life upside down by surprising her with news that she was a PCH Winner! Here’s her winning moment! “Loriane was so overcome with emotion that she had to sit down, while her children and grandchildren jumped […]

Last Updated: April 6, 2020

The world has changed rapidly in the last 30 days, but perhaps no one has had as many unique changes as our PCH “Forever” Prize Winner, Marc F.! Not only has Marc had to make many of the same lifestyle changes we all have done lately (working from home and keeping social distances), but he […]

Last Updated: January 27, 2020

Here at PCH, we love winning moments. Seeing the surprise, shock and happiness on people’s faces when they become a PCH winner is amazing. We’ll never get tired of it. But what happens later? After the cameras are off and the checks are cashed? What do our winners do then? Would you like to know? […]

Last Updated: October 17, 2019

Most of the good things in life don’t come easy, right? For example, in today’s PCH winner interview with PCHlotto “Life Is Rich” $1,000,000.00 winner Jason Lawler, you’ll learn he’d been entering for about five years! But this is one person who truly values his newfound fortune, because he never gave up! “It’s been over […]

Last Updated: June 19, 2019

Every time we make a new PCH Winner here at the “House Where Dreams Come True,” the list just keeps getting longer, so it’s hard to make a ranking of your Top Ten. We’ve had plenty of screamers, criers and some just simply dumbfounded, so it’s hard to pick who might be among the best. […]

Last Updated: May 28, 2019

Today we have a very special PCH Winner Interview with one of our latest millionaires, but before we get into that, I have a question. Do you know anyone else who enters Publishers Clearing House? Maybe a few friends in real life or online who help to cheer each other on as you keep those […]

Last Updated: May 8, 2019

Do you remember last month when we had recent “Forever” Prize winner Crystal Crawford visit our PCH headquarters? We wrote about it a few times, and told you how Crystal brought almost her entire family, including her sons and niece. It’s great that she was able to show the younger generation where the prize came […]

Last Updated: March 28, 2019

When Crystal Crawford got up that morning, she didn’t think much was different about her day. She left her older son at home and walked down the street to her job in New York City. Little did she know, just a 30-minute drive away, the PCH Prize Patrol was getting ready to leave their headquarters […]

Last Updated: March 13, 2019

It was a brisk winter day in Columbus, Ohio, and Howard Hickman had just returned home from a walk in the park. Retired, he didn’t have a lot to do that day. Maybe clean the bathroom? But one thing was for certain, he had NO idea that he was about to become $1,000,000.00 richer! I spoke […]