Very often when planning our Prize Patrol trips, we call ahead to the local florists to pre-order the dozen roses for the PCH winners. We’ll tell the florist who we are and why we need to pick up the flowers on an exact day and time. Sometimes they believe it’s the PCH Prize Patrol and […]
The PCH Prize Patrol arrived at the home of unsuspecting $10,000.00 winner Shirley Redmond at 3:00 pm that afternoon. ABC News 12 in Greenville joined us at Jefferson’s Florist and was on hand to capture the winning moment and interview Shirley about her sweepstakes dream come true. We were a little worried upon arrival since […]
And they’re off…to Washington! Joe Crispin is no stranger to the Winner’s Circle – after all, he is one of the most celebrated jockeys competing in the Pacific Northwest. But on one sunny day in May, this Washington State resident experienced an unforgettable contest giveaway winning moment, and this time he didn’t have to get […]
One of the best perks for many PCH Prize Patrol teams is getting to surprise someone at work with a big cash prize award. However, my Prize Patrol partner Cristina and I have always had a knack for finding our winners at home on previous Prize Patrol journeys. Finally, on a drizzly day in Seattle, […]