Last Updated: June 26, 2014

I was just reading a newspaper article that included the adjective “breathtaking” about ten times.  Every time the word was used it described some beautiful sight from around the world — like a “breathtaking” view in Rome or Paris, or a “breathtaking” panorama of the Alps, or the vast Serengeti plain in Tanzania.

Sometimes one also sees the word “breathtaking” applied to a gorgeous movie star.  But it is rarely used in the way we Prize Patrol’ers see “breathtaking” demonstrated so frequently and so dramatically.  That is when our surprise presentation of a Big Check literally takes the recipient’s breath away.

It happens every time: the winner gasps, the eyes widen, the hands go up, he or she steps back and inhales a big gulp of air.  Now that’s breathtaking!

PCH Sweepstakes Winner

After a big exhale the winner exclaims “OMG!” or “I don’t believe it!”  or “Are you serious?” We can see the chest heaving, the lungs still trying to recover the lost breath.

Emotional Reaction PCH Sweepstakes Winner

I’ve seen a lot of beautiful sights in our travels – like our own Grand Canyon; but none of those has ever taken my breath away the way a “winning moment” affects our PCH Sweepstakes winners.

Of course the winners always recover normal breathing, even if their weakened knees force them to sit down for a spell.  Phone calls are made, the good news spreads, photos are taken, amazed neighbors and relatives come running, the story of the “winning moment” is retold again and again, some champagne is uncorked, and a great time is had by all – most especially the winners.

How does this sound to you?  How would you like to have the Prize Patrol knock on your door and take your breath away — with roses, balloons and a Big Check worth thousands, even millions of dollars?  Believe me, it could happen.

Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today  — and every day.  YOU could become our next winner, and it would be our great pleasure to take YOUR breath away.

Wishing you all the best.


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador