The First Website I Visit Every Morning Is _____

GOOD AFTERNOON! Some of you have already visited the blog today. In fact, for many of you, our very own PCH blog might be the very first website you visited this morning. We hope it is … what better way to kick off your day then to read a post by some fantastic PCH blog writers? In fact, visiting ANY of PCH’s websites is a great way to start your day!
Well, tell us: What is the first website you visit every morning? Wake up and get in to win by visiting – that way, you’ll get in to win SO many prizes RIGHT at the beginning of the day. That’s right – get into the routine of it and you won’t miss a day of grabbing your shots to win amazing prizes from PCH Sweepstakes!
How do you usually begin your morning?
I know a lot of people’s morning routines include a nice big cup of coffee or tea, a balanced breakfast, and the morning paper. And who could blame ‘em … that’s a great way to kick off a brand new day! Just add into the morning mix, and you have yourself a stellar start to the day with PCH Sweepstakes!
And hey, heading to can be a part of your morning AND nightly routine! Yep – as you unwind before a good night’s sleep, get in to win right before you count sheep!
And with so many PCH websites to visit, it’s no wonder PCH fans like you love everything from searching at PCHSearch&Win to reading the news at PCHFrontpage to claiming your numbers at PCHlotto and more! Best yet, there are so many ways to get in to win from PCH Sweepstakes – you could switch it up every morning!
You know what to do! Get in it to win it with and you’ll be happy you started your morning that way — with lots of FREE chances to win!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative