The Race Is On … Win “Forever” In Just Days!

Do you love watching Award Shows? I happen to love watching them. It’s interesting to see who wins the “gold”… to hear what the actors, actresses, directors, screenwriters and others say in their acceptance speeches … and to see what the celebrities are wearing on the red carpet. In fact, I’m counting down the days until I watch the live award show – my friends and I tend to tune in to the award show and have a wine and cheese night while we watch. Who do you want to win the awards?
Just like the famous celebrities racing for their “gold” this weekend, the “race” is on in the world of PCH Sweepstakes! We’ll definitely be awarding a “Forever” prize in just days, and you could be named the winner! Yes, just like those celebrities, you could be celebrating a big win soon – but instead of a statue, you’d be holding a “Big Check”! And remember, winning “Forever” means $5,000.00 a week for your life and then after that, those same lifetime payments would continue on for someone special you choose. So, much like a statue, this prize lasts a very long time!
Now, you know how when the winners of the awards give their speeches, the music will pop on as a cue for them to wrap it up? Well, as you know, PCH does things differently. We let our winners talk about their award for as long as they want as the cameras roll! Tell us, if you were awarded $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, who would you thank for your Big Win?
On the red carpet, the celebrities take photos in their gowns, tuxes, and talk about the outfits they’re wearing. During our PCH winning moments, lucky winners can wear whatever they want! On February 28th the Prize Patrol will arrive at the winner’s doorstep to award $5,000.00
A Week “Forever” and, if it’s you, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in jeans and a t-shirt, your work clothes, or even pajamas … you could wear whatever you want!
It’s time to get excited folks. In just days, celebrities will be winning prizes for their filmmaking achievements at this weekend’s award show and someone will win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” from Publishers Clearing House! Get in to win today, while there’s still time!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative