The “Winning Moment” — From Various Points of View

Last Updated: February 23, 2015

Dave Sayer and PCH Winner Kathryn Norwood

Any day that the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol comes to visit is a memorable day – not just for the lucky PCH Sweepstakes winner but for others as well.  Let me tell you first about Kathryn Norwood whom we surprised on February 4th.

Kathy was alone in her Bradenton, FL, home when she saw through the window some balloons bobbing toward her door.  “Hmmm” she wondered.  “Valentine balloons from my husband?   February 14 is still ten days away.”

Within seconds, however, the mystery was solved.  It was “yours truly” (Dave Sayer) and cameraman Matt Mayes carrying not just balloons but roses, champagne and a Big Check – for her $10,000.00 winning moment!

Kathy was clearly astonished to see us standing there.  She had been entering the PCH Sweepstakes faithfully for years and decided in recent months to enter every day.  “Why not take every opportunity to enter and win?” she reasoned.  That was a good idea, and it paid off!

Publishers Clearing House Winner

Now let me tell you of cameraman Matt’s reaction — to his very first PCH assignment.  He says “I was so proud to be a part of making a dream come true.  Kathy was nearly overcome with joy.  Her expression reminded me of what you see on a Christmas morning.”

PCH Winner Kathryn Norwood

Because Matt films lots of corporate videos and joyless scenes for TV shows like “America’s Most Wanted,” a PCH “winning moment” was a welcome and truly exciting change of pace.

Kathy’s husband and father-in-law — who scoffed at her for entering our sweepstakes so frequently – arrived on the scene and had to admit: Kathy was one smart cookie.  She is also a big-hearted mother of four and a grandmother of three.  Kathy promptly said that some prize money will go to a son recently returned from service in the Middle East.

Summing up the experience for himself — and everyone present, cameraman Matt said “What a great day.  I’m still smiling.

Check out Kathy’s winning moment for yourself right now!


We’d love to put a smile on the face of all you blog readers.  Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, and maybe we will do just that!

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador