“Time Flies When You’re Having Fun”

Last Updated: May 4, 2015

Prize Patrol ThrowbackPrize Patrol ready to knock on your door

Recently a TV reporter who was about to knock on someone’s door for a news story said he felt like “that silver haired Publishers Clearing House guy who has been [knocking on doors] for years.”  When my PCH colleagues saw the TV clip they said that reporter was talking about me.  Me?  Silver haired?   I still think of myself as brown-haired as described on an old driver’s license.

Well, I guess I have to admit: the brown is gone – although it seems like only yesterday that brown it was – which goes to prove that “time flies when you’re having fun.”  And fun it has certainly been: leading the Prize Patrol to lucky winners’ doors for over 27 years!

Let’s face it: What could be more fun that giving away Big Checks? Especially when each one is worth thousands, even millions of dollars!

Of course, all of us at Publishers Clearing House recognize that our videotaped “winning moments” represent more than fun to the surprised recipients.  The money sometimes arrives just in the nick of time to prevent a foreclosure or bankruptcy – or to pay for uninsured medical care – or to address some financial misfortune.  Or maybe the Big Check provides a longed-for nest-egg or the funds for a secure retirement.  Or maybe it buys a new car or affords increasingly expensive higher education.  Or maybe the prize provides an opportunity for the winner to share newfound fortune with family members and favorite charities.  You get the picture: awarding and winning big money can be a lot more than just fun.

Since the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes got started, we’ve given away over a quarter of a billion dollars in prize money!  AND, believe me, we still have many, many more Big Checks to be awarded – like our big SuperPrize on April 30th!

So don’t let time get away from you.  Enter our sweepstakes today – and every day.  It would be fun – and maybe a lot more – for us to knock on your door and announce “You are a Publishers Clearing House winner!”

Wishing you the best of luck.

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador


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