Have you entered our $10,000.00 Rory/Roman giveaway yet? Are you familiar with it? Well, just in case you’re not, I’m going to tell you all about it, because time is running out to enter the Rory/Roman Sweepstakes, and we want you in it to win it!
Recently, Publishers Clearing House partnered with healthcare experts Roman and Rory to create a new and exciting “health and wellness”-themed giveaway … and it has a really unique twist! Since men and women have different health interests, the sweepstakes will feature two different looks!
There will be two themes promoted – one geared toward men and one geared toward women. The male-oriented ads will feature the Roman messaging: “Live to the Max” sweepstakes and the female-oriented ads will feature the Rory messaging: “Ready, Set, Glow” sweepstakes. Isn’t that cool? While you may see two different ads, anyone can win, so click any link to enter for a chance to win the $10,000.00 Prize!
The $10,000.00 prize is guaranteed to be awarded on 7/25, and it will be hand-delivered by our PCH Prize Patrol! But time is running out – 7/15 is the LAST DAY TO ENTER – so you need to hurry!
So, have you entered yet? What do you think of this cool twist? I definitely want to hear from both men and women blog friends on this one! Don’t forget – a $10,000.00 winner is guaranteed in this giveaway!
OK. It’s time to get moving, as time is running out to enter the $10,000.00 Rory/Roman sweepstakes! Will it be a man who takes home the CASH, or will it be a woman who brings home the BUCKS? Which will have their winning moment? We’ll just have to wait and see! Best of luck to everyone!
Tina P.
Online Creative