Today I Learned _________

No day is wasted so long as you learn something. Anything! Whether it’s a fun fact about your favorite band or learning how to fix things around the house, you should try each day to learn something new. And you can do that with PCHSearch&Win!
PCHSearch&Win is your destination to look up just about anything you can think of. For the past decade we’ve been providing great search results for our fans. But that’s just one half of our name!
In addition to helping our fans to learn new things and to find whatever they’re looking for, we’ve also been awarding prizes! Each month we highlight just some of the people who win instantly at PCHSearch&Win. But in addition to these instant wins, we award exclusive prizes and Token windfalls, and every day your first entry gets you in to win our ongoing PCH SuperPrize!
We all use the internet to help us get through our daily lives. And we all use search engines to help us find exactly what we need, whether that is quick recipes for dinner, movie times, or the latest news on our favorite celebrities.
But PCHSearch&Win adds to the fun by giving you a new chance to win instantly with each and every search! What other search engine does this for you?
I learned a fun fact today. My friends and I will soon be taking a vacation to Colombia. It’s a pretty long flight, so I’m bringing the novel “100 Years of Solitude” written by Gabriel Garcia Marques to help pass time. I didn’t know much about the author, and when I searched for him I learned he is from — take a guess — COLOMBIA! Pretty interesting!
What do you enjoy learning? Are you a history buff? Do you like to learn about what happened on the set of your favorite movie? Or maybe you just want to know what the weather will be like this week. All you have to do is type in what you’re looking for, and PCHSearch&Win takes care of the rest!
Head to PCHSearch&Win to learn a new fun fact today! Not only will you learn something new, but you could also win instantly!
Joe W
PCH Creative
PS: What did you learn today? Comment below!