Today Is the Last Day to Enter to Win $7,000 A Week For Life!

Last Updated: April 21, 2017

Hey, everybody! TODAY IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY! It’s the very LAST DAY TO ENTER TO WIN THE $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE SUPERPRIZE! That means some lucky person could become “Set For Life” just a few days from now! This is very exciting news, isn’t it? So I’m here to remind you that if you haven’t entered already, and even if you have, ENTER RIGHT NOW !!


Why am I using all caps? Why am I using so many exclamation points? Because I’m trying to emphasize how important this is! You see, a whopping $7,000 A Week For Life is at stake, and time is of the essence. I mean… think of all the things you could do with that much money! Seven thousand dollars… week after week after week for the rest of your life! Tell me below, what would you spend it on? But don’t think about it too long, because the clock is ticking and you need to hustle to get those last entries in.

Once you know for sure that you did everything you could to maximize your chances of winning, you can sit back and relax and dream of that sweet money rolling in. Even though PCH employees like me aren’t eligible to win, I still like to imagine my dog Autumn and me in the middle of a enormous pile of cash that’s over our heads – so deep we can practically swim in it – like this picture below of the PCH Prize Patrol’s Danielle! Do you have any “filthy rich” fantasies? It sure is fun to dream, but since time is tight, we have to get back to business.

So today is the last day to enter to win, and I want to wish all our PCH fans out there the very best of luck. It seems silly to say, but I’m rooting for every single one of you – I really am! I want all of you to be “Set For Life” with a $7,000 A Week For Life prize win. I just love watching winning moments and admittedly, I live vicariously through our winners, don’t you? Now… how many different ways did you enter? Where did you enter from? Did you use, PCHSearch&Win, PCHFrontpage, or PCHlotto or something else? How many times and different ways did you enter? Did YOU maximize your chances of winning? Tell me in the comments below!

Tina P.
PCH Online Creative