Today’s Chance to Win Could Be Gone With The Wind

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Today’s chance to win should not be put off till tomorrow!

Gone With The WindA long-lost manuscript of the classic Civil War novel “Gone With The Wind” was recently unearthed in a Connecticut library, reviving interest in the book’s (and movie’s) most famous spoken words — like when Scarlett O’Hara cries after Rhett Butler walks out: “I’ll think of it all tomorrow … after all, tomorrow is another day.”

Well, no one really knows whether Scarlett succeeded in getting Rhett back. But procrastination surely wasn’t a promising way to get started.

The same goes for playing the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. If you put off your chance to win our fabulous contest by saying “I’ll think about that tomorrow,” you will not be showing the “stuff” of a winner. I have met hundreds of PCH winners over the years and can tell you that the folks who seize every opportunity to enter are the ones who hit it lucky.

Yes, occasionally some fortunate individual experiences “beginner’s luck” when the Prize Patrol arrives with a Big Check worth thousands, even millions of dollars! But the great majority of winners have entered religiously (yes, sometimes with a prayer) in hopes that TODAY’S chance to win will be the life-changing one.

One of the great things about Publishers Clearing House nowadays is that TODAY and every day we give you many opportunities to “play and win.” Yes sir, every day you can visit for a chance to win our famous sweepstakes and go for a multi-million dollar SuperPrize. Then, anytime you conduct an online search you can visit PCH Search & Win for more chances to get a prize.  Plus there’s fun to be had and even more prizes at PCHGames and PCHLotto. Finally, if you need any extra encouragement, just visit to see the latest prize winning moments – when ordinary people LIKE YOU have been presented roses, balloons and a Big Check by the PCH Prize Patrol.

So don’t let today’s chance to win be “gone with the wind.” Don’t be like poor Scarlett O’Hara and put off until tomorrow what you can easily do today. Get started right now and play to win!

Dave Sayer PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador
Wishing you the best of luck,

Dave Sayer

PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador