Top Cash Sweepstakes to Enter and Win

Good morning, everybody! Just yesterday, as I was getting ready for work, I imagined how great it would be to pay off all of my debt…travel the world…win a new car…build my dream home…or putting money towards retirement.
Then, I went to and WOW! I was just blown away!
There are so many REALLY COOL SWEEPSTAKES to enter to win. Since I’m a PCH employee, I can’t win any of them – but YOU CAN!
Enter every day, in as many sweepstakes as you want!
First of all, get in to WIN $7,000.00 A Week For Life! Imagine finding the Prize Patrol on your doorstep, bearing a BIG CHECK with your name on it! You’d watch your savings GROW, GROW, GROW as each weekly lifetime payment arrived in your bank account. COOL, right? We’ll be taking a Special Early Look to see if the winning number has been returned. If there’s no match, we’ll award a base prize to an alternate winner in a random drawing from among all timely entries. Of course, whether the SuperPrize amount is $7,000.00 A Week For Life or $1,000,000.00, you can get in to win at with just a click!
Next, enter the other top cash sweepstakes to tackle your biggest priorities. Need cash for school? There’s a sweepstakes for that! Need to spruce up your backyard? There’s a sweepstakes for that! Want to build your ultimate dream home? You guessed it …

Maybe, you dream of never working another day (enter to win $250,000.00 A YEAR FOR LIFE & Never Work Again Sweepstakes).
Maybe you want to travel to Hawaii to see the black sand beaches or tour the U.S.A. from sea to shining sea (you could do A LOT if you won the $1 Million Treasure Trove!)
Maybe you want to pay off your debt (Win $75,000.00 to Eliminate Your Debt) or a would love a really cool new ride (Win a Ford F150 Sweepstakes).
Or perhaps you just like the thrill of GOING FOR IT, and Pinata Payday (with up to 5 ENTRIES TO WIN $1,000,000.00) or Casting for Cash to Win Up To $50,000.00 sounds like your idea of fun. Well, you’re in luck!
Remember: there are also lots of other great ways to get in to WIN at PCH!
Play games as often as possible, get news and entertainment info at PCHfrontpage, do your web searches at PCHsearch&win, or go to PCHlotto where you can get in to win millions and change your life. It’s so easy – and PCH is always FREE to enter and FREE to WIN!
Good luck!
Maria S.
PCH Online Creative