Trends May Come And Go … But Winning’s Always In Style!

Last Updated: October 3, 2013

Recently, I was driving my daughter and some friends to play practice when I heard the following exchange in the back of the minivan:

Friend #1: What is this music?
Friend #2 It’s TERRIBLE!
My Daughter: Oh, yeah, that’s just my mom’s lame old-time music!

Lame? Old-time? The radio station I was listening to plays the best hits of the 70s and 80s! That’s not “old-time” … at least not to me and my more mature friends.

“Hey, watch it!” I shouted playfully from the driver’s seat, but I had to laugh to myself. Their humorous observation got me thinking; isn’t that the way life is? Things are popular one day, and before you know it, they’re considered outdated.

But do you know what’s ALWAYS in style? WINNING a Big PCH Prize!

Yes, ever since Publishers Clearing House launched its first sweepstakes in 1967, many lucky folks have enjoyed winning Big Prizes from PCH! And once the PCH Prize Patrol was launched in 1988 to personally deliver prizes, things got even more exciting as the Prize Patrol set out all over the country with a cameraman to capture the excitement of our winners firsthand!

We have dozens of photos of big winners in one of the conference rooms here in our Port Washington office. Hair styles and clothing have certainly changed throughout the decades, but the looks of jubilation on winners’ faces remain the same.  And with good reason!

While just about everyone is happy to receive a “Big Check,” it’s even had a few “makeovers” over the years. In case you missed it, check out Amanda C.’s recent blog on its new look!

Wouldn’t you like to see your picture on our wall of winners? Crank up whatever you’re listening to on the radio, whether it’s country, top 40 or even my favorite “old-time” music! Then, go to and enter for your chance to win $5,OOO.OO Every Week For Life on May 31st. In fact, make sure you do this every day because WINNING never goes out of style!

Good luck!

Elaina R.
PCH Creative