Video – A Look Back at 50 Years of Publishers Clearing House!

Have you ever heard that old adage … “that the more things change the more they stay the same”? I think you’ll agree that might apply with this video recapping 50 years of sweepstakes from Publishers Clearing House and the Prize Patrol!
I love the opening shot of Carol Copeland in her classroom! Wow, her enthusiasm is really what it’s all about. Our winners are the happiest people in the world, and can you blame them? Wouldn’t YOU be ecstatic if you were surprised with a huge prize from the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol?
And to think we’ve been giving away prizes for 50 years! That’s a lot of happy winners!
The next shot of our older commercial really reminds us of how far we’ve come. We’re proud to be a pop culture icon and an American institution, and this commercial shows you how long we’ve been a part of the media landscape! Practically every PCH employee has experienced someone telling them their own childhood experiences with Publishers Clearing House, and we’re all pleased to be able to be a part of so many happy memories!
We always try to go the extra mile, and that is never more evident than the next shot of the dog sled and then the helicopter! I remember asking Todd about the dog sled, and he was happy to recount the story to me (which you can read about right here!) . Yes, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol will go to whatever lengths they need to find and surprise their winner. They really have the best job!
But let’s not waste our time being envious of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol, how about those winners themselves! I’m always moved by videos of our heartfelt winning moments, and the next two scenes are no exception! These are two of my favorite SuperPrize winners, Boris Clinton and Annette Jenkins. They really remind us of the impact that these prize awards really have on people’s lives!
Boris Clinton certainly wasn’t ready for the Prize Patrol (he wasn’t wearing a shirt!), but that’s just fine with him. Now he’s able to help out his mom, his relatives and he was even able to buy his dream car!
And Annette Jenkins is one of those truly deserving winners. A valuable employee of two different jobs, Annette is like so many people in this country, taking on extra work to help their family and pay the bills. What a great privilege it is for us to be able to “help out” with a little extra money…well wait, we mean a LOT of extra money! In this case, $1 Million!
Again, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The video is in high definition, the prizes are getting bigger, but the happy smiles and infectious excitement certainly aren’t changing any time soon. And we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Do you remember the first time you heard about Publishers Clearing House? Or what’s your earliest Prize Patrol memory? Tell us in the comments below!