Watch the October 31st 2020 PCH SuperPrize Winning Moment – Extended Cut!

Hello everyone! Today, I’m so excited to share with you some never-before-seen footage from our October 31st 2020 SuperPrize PCH Winning Moment — Extended Cut! In this video, watch as Howie delivers a life changing SuperPrize to Chuck O, and watch the incredible reaction with Chuck’s family!
Watch the video right here, and then keep reading!
I don’t know about you all, but watching this PCH Winning Moment video was so fun because of all of the behind-the-scenes! If you could be the next winner of a PCH prize and the Prize Patrol came to your door, would the outside of your house look like Chuck’s? Or do you live in the suburbs? Or an apartment?
I always love finding out what the winners are going to use their money for. Chuck told Howie he wants to pay off some bills. I’m sure that’s something we all can relate to!
Wow, I really loved watching that Extended Cut! Good luck entering and keep the faith!
Matt for Publishers Clearing House