What State Should The Prize Patrol Travel To Next?

The Prize Patrol will definitely be awarding $1,000,000.00 plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life in just weeks! This PCH SuperPrize is guaranteed to be awarded on June 29th, and the PCH van will definitely be traveling to a state in America to deliver a “Big Check”! Now, we want you to tell us: What state should the Prize Patrol travel to next to award this millionaire-making prize?
The Prize Patrol loves to travel around the country – they have so much fun taking in the sights from state to state, eating at all different restaurants while on the road, and awarding prizes that change people’s lives for the better! And as you probably know, they’ve traveled to all 50 states to award life-changing prizes – and they could return to any state in the country on June 29th! Now, as you know, there are various regions of the United States that the Prize Patrol could visit to deliver a life-changing PCH SuperPrize…
So, tell us — what state and what region should it be this time?
Should they head to a state in the Northeast to deliver a PCH SuperPrize? If you think they should, just tell us in the comments section below! Maybe they’ll have a bowl of New England clam chowder or a slice of pizza along the way!
Do you think they will visit a state in the Midwestern region of the United States? If your answer is yes, please comment below and tell us your thoughts on where you think the “Big Check” will end up next!
The PCH Van will be on the road very soon – will our favorite prize delivery crew travel to a state in the Southern region of the United States? If you think this is where they’re headed to deliver a life-changing prize, please tell us!
There are so many regions in the West that they could soon travel to in the PCH Van; whether it’s the Northwest, Southwest, or somewhere in between … they could be ringing your doorbell with a “Big Check” in no time!
We’ve awarded prizes in all 50 states, including Hawaii and Alaska – so they could be traveling all the way up North to either of those states to deliver a prize! Do you think they will? Comment below if you do! Will you surf the waves with the Prize Patrol?
The next SuperPrize award date is soon approaching, and your life could change for the better if you’re in it to win it! A HUGE prize of $1,000,000.00 plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life is guaranteed to be awarded! So, head to pch.com to enter to win, and the Prize Patrol could be traveling in the PCH Van to your address in your hometown in your state to award YOU a “Big Check”!
Have fun!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative