What To Search For This April Using PCHsearch&win!

April is upon on us my fellow blog readers — Spring has finally sprung! The weather is warming up and I’m thinking about summer more and more as it creeps near. April always makes me think about spring cleaning, gardening and flowers. I know a lot of people are home right now and some people are wondering what to do with all of their free time. Well, I have a few ideas for you, and it all starts with PCHsearch&win.
But first, here are the fun facts of the month! April comes from the Latin word “aperio”, which actually means “to open/bud” because plants grow more! April’s flowers include daises and sweet peas. Just look how pretty pink daisies are!
Now, are you ready for the fun holidays of April?
Today is April 2nd, and it’s Children’s Book Day! You can use PCHsearch&win to find a great story to read to your siblings, nieces, nephews or grandchildren! Keep the youngsters entertained by reading to them in person, or even over the phone.
April 14th is Look Up At The Sky Day. If it’s nice outside, why not go outside and see what the sky has to offer. You can use PCHsearch&win to find out what the different names of clouds are and have fun guessing which cloud is a stratus or a cirrus. Just don’t ask me, I don’t know the difference!
Personally, my favorite day is April 16th, Wear Pajamas To Work Day. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve been doing this quite a lot since I’ve been working from home. Performing a search with the words “pajamas” and “work” at PCHsearch&win will be sure to yield some entertaining results!
If you’re stuck on what to do at home, PCHsearch&win could help you find some table games to play! April 30th also happens to be National Mahjong Day, so you could ALSO check out the fun match-making games we have at PCHgames. It’s no secret that our Mahjong games top the list of fan favorites — so go ahead and find your new favorite game today!
Maybe April is the month to get a head start on spring cleaning and gardening! You can use PCHsearch&win to find some garden inspiration and maybe even learn how to plant and grow your own fruits and vegetables if you don’t know how to already. Personally, my Spring garden always has tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries, along with some surprises that I try over the years. Sadly, my pumpkins did not flourish well, but my zucchinis always grow at rapid speed!
Recently, I’ve also become fascinated with birthstones, so I’m curious, do you know what your birthstone is? April’s birthstone is a diamond, but your birthstone depends on the month you were born. If you don’t know your birthstone, all you have to do is a quick search at PCHsearch&win and then let me know! Leave a comment below telling me what your birthstone is, and what you’ve searched for so far this April!
Happy April my friends, and have fun searching!
Ilona K.
PCH Creative