What To Search For This March Using PCHSearch&Win!

Oh wow, it’s finally March — I don’t know about you, but I’m so ready to put away my winter coat! March is a great month my friends…do you know why? Because the spring equinox is happening on March 19th and that means it’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING! I’m so excited! Can you tell I like the warm weather?
There are so many fun and exciting things happening this month, and you’re all so lucky that I happen to be a March expert! Seriously! I know so many fun facts about the month of March! For example, did you know that March 8th is when Daylight Saving Time starts? Don’t believe me? Visit PCHSearch&Win to find out for yourself! In fact, you really should make a search to find out which way to set your clock!
Some Cool Holidays To Search For!
March has so many random and interesting holidays — some official, some not so official — to celebrate! Here are my favorites!
March 1st is Peanut Butter Lover’s Day! You can search at PCHSearch&Win to find which brand of peanut butter is right for you! Personally, I’m a chocolate and peanut butter kind of gal, and I love using PCHSearch&Win to find yummy recipes!
March 14th is Pi Day! You might need to search at PCHSearch&Win to find out all of the numbers in Pi because I can only remember 3.1415 (oops). You can also find great pie recipes — there’s a type of pie for everyone!
March 17th is St Patrick’s Day! This is a fun one! St. Patrick’s Day parades are pretty popular — you can search to find one that’s close to you!
Search Up Some March Fun Facts!
March is also Women’s History Month and National Nutrition Month! Use PCHSearch&Win to look up some inspirational women from around the world and search up some ways to get healthy this month!
March’s flower is a daffodil, which is this gorgeous yellow flower that looks a little something like the image way at the top of this blog … or you can look right below!
Search At PCHSearch&Win And Put Your Own Searching Skills To The Test!
Did I leave anything out about March? If I did, be sure to tell me in the comments section! I want to know what YOU all know about March, and all of the things you searched for! Who’s more of a March expert, me or you? If you’re not an expert yet, searching at PCHSearch&Win can help you become one! And if you think you’re a March expert now, I guess we just have to have a March facts face off!
Have fun searching!
Ilona K.
PCH Creative