What Will Winning A PCH Fortune On 4/26 Feel Like?

At the end of this month, the Prize Patrol will deliver a SuperPrize from the PCH Sweepstakes … and that means someone will find out what winning a PCH Fortune feels like! A SuperPrize of $7,000.00 A Week For Life is on the line. And remember, when we take our “Special Early Look” drawing, if there isn’t a matching winning number for the $7,000.00 A Week For Life prize, then a $1 Million Second Chance prize will be awarded — so, someone will DEFINITELY WIN a SuperPrize in just weeks, and someone WILL know what it feels like to win a PCH fortune … and you could be that someone!
What do you think winning would feel like? Throughout a lifetime, there are so many wonderful feelings that one could feel, so we brainstormed a few thoughts of what winning a PCH Fortune could feel like to you! After reading our list, we’d like for you to tell us what you think winning would feel like right in the comments section below!
Take a look: We’ve listed 7 ideas of what winning $7,000.00 A Week For Life would feel like! Now, imagine that the Prize Patrol has arrived with a “Big Check” from PCH Sweepstakes … What do you think your winning moment could feel like?
- Winning would feel like drinking the coolest glass of lemonade on the hottest summer day TIMES 20!
- Winning would feel like receiving the test back and getting a 100% … and BONUS POINTS!
- Winning would feel like a WARM HUG from loved ones!
- Winning would feel like the most delicious meal YOU’VE EVER EATEN!
- Winning would feel like when your FAVORITE SONG COMES ON … and you just DANCE!
- Winning would feel like WAKING UP ON SATURDAY and having the whole day to do WHATEVER YOU’D LIKE!
- Winning would feel like … well, winning would feel like SUCH AN AMAZING FEELING!
Those sure are a lot of great feelings! Winning $7,000.00 A Week For Life on April 26th will feel THAT great for someone, when the Prize Patrol arrives at their doorstep with a “Big Check” for a life-changing prize. So – how do you think it would feel to you? Comment below and let us know!
Make sure you get in to win PCH Sweepstakes all the ways you can if you want to have a chance to find out what winning a PCH fortune feels like! Good luck!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative