What Would Be Your Victory Dance Move If You Won?

If you won the $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize on October 26th, it would be a life-changing moment! You’ve seen our “Winning Moments” videos – winners celebrating with the Prize Patrol while holding a “Big Check”, knowing that their lives just changed for the better! In these winning moments, we know you’ve also seen AMAZING DANCE MOVES!
What would be your victory dance move if you won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”? If you’re like me, you love to dance. Whether it’s at a wedding, a holiday party, or even while you’re making a turkey sandwich in your kitchen — whether there is music or not — dancing is so much fun! In fact, I love to dance so much that my nickname in college was “crazy legs”. But enough about me … let’s talk about WINNING!
Winning $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” at your very own doorstep would mean you could break out into any victory dance move that you would want to — yes, any dance move on the planet!
I was speaking with some of my PCH coworkers around the office, and they had some great ideas for victory dance moves for you if you won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” – here’s what they said!
“The Pop N Lock Top Rock’n Robot!” — Jason I.
“There’s always the Winner’s Waltz, the SuperPrize Shuffle, the Moolah Merengue, and the Jitter-bucks! — Debbie K.
“Backflippin’ Bucks, Breakdance Bucks, Cha Cha-Ching, Winner Wobble, Millionaire Moonwalk, Dough-sey-dough.” — Keith G.
My coworkers are such creative and smart thinkers! They had great ideas for dance moves … and I bet you do, too! If you met the Prize Patrol, we’re sure you’d have great celebration dance moves. Please tell us what your victory dance move would be if you won The $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize that is guaranteed for award on October 26th — and remember, if you win “Forever”, you’d receive weekly lifetime payments of $2,500.00 a week for life, then after that, those same payments would continue weekly for the life of someone special of your choosing!
Start Planning Your Dance Moves … Keep Entering To Win At PCH … And YOU Could Be Dancing and Celebrating With The Prize Patrol!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative