What Would You Buy If You WIN IT ALL!

Last Updated: June 14, 2018

Imagine having all the money you needed in life? Not just enough to pay all your bills, but enough to live the life you’ve always dreamed of! Well, listen up because that dream is about to become a reality for one lucky fan! That’s right! On June 29th the Prize Patrol is hitting the road guaranteed to deliver $1,000,000.00, PLUS $1,000.00 A Week For Life!

Wow fans, think about how much you could do with ALL of that money. Just the first ONE MILLION dollars alone could absolutely change your life. No longer would you have to live paycheck-to-paycheck. No longer would you have to worry about where your next mortgage or rent payment is coming from! The financial freedom doesn’t stop there either. Here’s a few other fun ideas on ways you could spend ALL that dough!

Throw A Dinner Party At Your Favorite Restaurant With Friends And Family

How many of you love throwing dinner parties and entertaining friends and family? If you’re anything like me I love being surrounded by important people in my life, but I don’t quite love the prep and cleanup that goes along with entertaining and dinner parties. If you WON IT ALL then you could enjoy the fun of a dinner party, at your favorite restaurant, and not worry one bit about the bill! You could order all your favorite appetizers, drinks, entrees and, of course, dessert without having to lift a finger or wash a dish. Now that sounds like a real party!

New Car, New House, New You!

Imagine being able to replace your current car or, heck, even buying an extra car, without a single care? What about that house you’ve been eyeing forever that was way out of your reach? All of this and so much more could be possible with the GUARANTEED Super Prize on June 29th. If you can dream it, then you can live it! Imagine how a total lifestyle upgrade would make you feel?

The list doesn’t stop there, fans! The possibilities are endless! The best part about this prize is that even after the first $1,000,000.00, those $1,000.00 checks will continue day after day for LIFE AND you can enjoy it all from the comfort of your brand-new car. That’s one loaded Super Prize!

So, what would you buy with all your winnings? Would you travel? Maybe donate some money or help friends and family? Tell us in the comments below and remember to keep on entering because on June 29th PCH will be making another winner’s dreams come true. You have to be in it to win it!

Good Luck!

Victoria P.
PCH Creative