What Would YOU Say in Your Big Check Winning Moment?

“Ohhhh whatever!” That’s what a stunned and unbelieving Jason Clark said when he got a $1 Million Dollar Big Check surprise on February 29th. Well it was true — Jason Clark did win, and he joined PCH’s long list of SuperPrize winners with memorable winning moment expressions.
In our 45 years of surprising winners, we’ve heard it all. “Awesome!” “Are you serious?” “Unbelievable!” and “No way!” just to name a few. But I’d say the #1 most popular winning moment expression has been “Oh my!” So many of our past SuperPrize winners, from Stephanie Gornichec to Zakiya Green to Wanda Bosh, have said “Oh my” during their winning moments.
You know what else we’ve heard a lot? “It’s real!” Stephanie Gornichec and Larry Brown both exclaimed this phrase when presented with their Big Check. Why of course we’re real guys!

Then there are the SuperPrize winners who are too overcome with shock and joy that they find themselves with no words at all. That’s right – completely speechless! Even Doris Gray, our first-ever $5,000.00 A Week For Life winner, was speechless when the Prize Patrol surprised her in front of a lunchroom full of cheering students.

I want to know blog readers, what YOU would say if you won the big SuperPrize? You know…if the Prize Patrol surprised you with a Big Check for $5,000.00 A Week For Life! Do you think you’d scream “Oh my” in your winning moment? How about “It’s real”? Or would you say something else completely? Or perhaps be speechless?
Please share your comments below, you know how we love to hear them! And please, please, please enter! You can do it today and everyday at pch.com. Or why not do it at pctv.com where you can watch winning moments, then enter to win! I can’t think of a better way for you to get pumped up for a possible “Oh my” winning moment of your own!
Amanda C.
PCH Creative