It’s a new year and there’s a new SuperPrize in town … and it’s guaranteed to be awarded on February 28th. I wonder who the winner will be. Will it be you? Will it be someone you know? Who wants to become the 1st PCH SuperPrize winner of the year? If the answer is YOU, enter to win now!
Naturally EVERYONE wants to win! I mean – who wouldn’t? $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” will definitely be awarded and the winner will receive payments of $5,000.00 every single week for their entire life. Then after that, a beneficiary of their choosing will receive the same lifetime weekly payments. It doesn’t get better than that! Imagine winning that amount of money. Imagine leaving that legacy to a loved one. A prize of that stature doesn’t seem real … but it is!
You know what comes next, right? You need to make sure you’re in to win. If you want to become the first PCH SuperPrize winner of the year, you need to enter by the deadline. Speaking of deadlines, the deadline to enter is 2/25. Then on 2/28, some very lucky PCH fan will open their door to find the PCH Prize Patrol standing there with the works – balloons, champagne, flowers, and the star of the show – a “Big Check” made out for $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” in their name.
Has anyone out there won a PCH sweepstakes before? I would like to request that all of our winners who are reading this give us a shout out in the comments. It doesn’t matter which sweeps or what amount of money you won – we’d love it if you’d share some encouraging words!
So, tell me in the comments below – who wants to become the 1st PCH SuperPrize winner of the year? If the answer is YOU, then enter to win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” now! Good luck!
Tina P.
Online Creative