Who Would You Call First If You Won The SuperPrize?

If the Prize Patrol handed you a “Big Check” for $25,000.00 A Month For Life, who would be the first person you’d call?
Here are a few ideas of who you could call, listed right in this very blog post. Then, beneath that, you could tell us in the comments section who you would call if you won a SuperPrize on June 30th!
First, I would call Mom and Dad!
Would your parents be the first people you call if the Prize Patrol arrives at your doorstep with a $25,000.00 A Month For Life prize? How do you think they would react if you told them?!
First, I would call my Children!
Winning $25,000.00 A Month For Life could mean financial stability for the rest of your life, so it’s no wonder you’d want to tell your kids if you won a life-changing prize from PCH sweepstakes!
First, I would call my Spouse!
Sometimes, when the Prize Patrol delivers SuperPrizes, some family members are not home. Would you dial your husband or wife if you were handed a “Big Check” from PCH sweepstakes? I bet you’d want them to try and come home right away from wherever they were!
First, I would call my Best Friend!
Sometimes, best friends essentially become family. Do you have a best friend you would call on the phone right away if the Prize Patrol awarded you a $25,000.00 A Month For Life prize on June 30th?
The possibilities are endless! Please tell us, right on this very blog post, who you would call right away if $25,000.00 A Month For Life arrived at your doorstep from the PCH Sweepstakes! And remember to get in it to win it for a shot at this life-changing SuperPrize scheduled for award next month!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative
P.S. We’ll be taking a Special Early Look to see If the matching winning number for our $25,000.00 A Month For Life prize event has been returned on time. If not, we guarantee to award a $1,000,000.00 prize to an alternate winner in a second chance random drawing from among all timely entries. Hey, that’s a lot of money, too! And totally worth a phone call to spread the good news!