Will YOU Win?!? PCH Special Early Look Happening On 4/28!

Hey, Blog Readers,
We’re almost a month away from the big $7,000.00 A Week For Life Special Early Look Prize Event here at PCH!
That’s right, because we love giving away prizes so much, we’re taking a Special Early Look for a matching winning number – way before Giveaway #8800 is even scheduled to end! And if we find a match, that was submitted on time, we’ll be able to award an incredible $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize on April 28th!
The question is… what happens if we don’t find a match?
There are plenty of other companies that would just say, “that’s it… we tried…” and wait until the giveaway actually ends to award any money at all… but not PCH. We’re not like other companies… we LOVE giving away money to entrants who really want to win.
That’s why, on April 28th, if we don’t have a Matching Winning Number for the $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize, we will absolutely, without a doubt, be giving away $1,000,000.00 instead!
Isn’t that incredible?!? One way or another, there will definitely be a winner… so the question becomes, will it be YOU?
We’ve made so many millionaires with our Special Early Look events over the years… Stephanie Gornichec, Laurie Aragon, and Robert Gonzales are just a few past winners that come to mind! They didn’t say “no” when they saw a $1,000,000.00 Prize Check at their doors. And if you’d say “yes” to a prize of either size, too, now’s the time to enter. Enter every day. Enter as often as you can. And you could become our next big winner in no time!
It’s that easy! And here are some INSIDER TIPS on how to make it even easier…
Tip #1 – Fit PCH into your daily lifestyle!
Get your desktop PCH.com entry at breakfast, take your phone on the train and get your PCH Frontpage entry… play PCHlotto at the gym… use PCHSearch&Win at work… However you plan your day – plan it with PCH to make sure you get as many entries as you can!
Tip #2 – Take Advantage of 2X Entries
Remember, the PCH App (Apple/Android) has 2X Entries for EVERY Sweepstakes, including the $7,000.00 A Week For Life Special Early Look Prize Event! Make sure you get them daily!
Tip #3 – Look up and to the right!
Have YOU been entering right here on the PCHblog? If not, you should be… because that entry could be the one that makes you $7,000.00 A Week For Life – or $1,000,000.00 – Richer! Don’t let it pass you by!
Any prize would change your life, wouldn’t it? So what are you waiting for? Get in on our Special Early Look Event now – and let me know below if you want our next big PCH winner to be YOU!
Good Luck,
Laurel U.
PCH Creative