WIN $1,000.00 a day For Life! LAST DAY TO ENTER!

It’s here, everyone – the last day to enter to Win $1,000.00 a day For Life. After today, it’s kaput – you won’t get any more entry opportunities to win this SuperPrize, so make sure you’re entered!
Since today is deadline day, that means the SuperPrize award date is just a few days away! That’s why we’re urging you to enter as many times as you can. A Grand a day is on the line – Isn’t that exciting? Who’s it gonna be? Could you become the Winner? Of course you could – but only if you’re entered to win! So please, please, please enter. I can’t stress it enough.
If you need a little inspiration, check out some of these exciting winning moments. If that’s not motivating, I don’t know what is! I could watch them all day – the shock, the screams, and my absolute favorite… the tears.
So now that you’re good and motivated, and you’re realizing that the possibility of winning is within your grasp, let me ask you… what would you do with $1,000.00 a day For Life? Have you thought about it? Would you spend $1,000.00 every day, or would you let it pile up? What do you think would be your first $1,000.00 purchase? Fine jewelry? A custom-made suit? Some fancy technology? The beauty of this SuperPrize is that every day could be totally unique. You could purchase something different every single day for the rest of your life! How incredible would that be?
We always ask our winners about their first spending, and a good amount of them say paying off debt. It’s not surprising, right? Taking care of debt and bills is probably most people’s first reaction. To be debt-free is a dream come true! But once that’s done, it’s playtime! So… let’s play a little. Let’s say your daily grand has piled up a bit. Now share your thoughts on something extravagant you’d purchase with your stashed fortune. Let us know below. Would it be a new house? New car? Vacation? Something unusual?
OK, before I go, I just want to say, don’t worry if you don’t win this SuperPrize. There are plenty more prizes ready to be won – every single day – and in lots of different ways. If not this one, then the next one or the one after that.
Well I better not take up any more of your time. You have a lot of entering to do. I wish everyone out there the best of luck. My fingers are crossed for each and every one of you, and I hope to be watching YOUR $1,000.00 a day For Life winning moment very soon!
Tina P.
Online Creative