White sand beaches, cool ocean breezes, PCH’s $10,000.00 Cruise Sweepstakes is ending soon, so if you want a shot to win $10,000.00 for cruise travel, you better enter while there’s still time!
Thanks to another awesome Dream Big Sweeps collaboration, some lucky PCH fan will WIN a big chunk of change that they can use to hit the open seas. Have you ever been on a cruise? Have you ever been to the Caribbean? Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Are you a winter person or summer person? I want to hear your thoughts. Tell me in the comments section below.
Are you already familiar with our $10,000.00 Cruise Sweepstakes event? Since 11/13, we’ve been trying to get you guys over to to enter. We’ve been sending emails from our various different properties notifying and reminding you of this incredible opportunity., PCHsearch&win, PCHfrontpage, PCHplay&win, and the PCHApp have all gotten in on the action. We want this process to be smooth sailing! And now that the entry deadline is approaching, and since this prize is Guaranteed to be Awarded, it’s more important than ever that you get in to win!
The last day to enter is 11/15. That’s just three days from now. Then on 11/21, the PCH Prize Patrol will check their itinerary and embark to the winner’s home with a $10,000.00 sunny surprise. Will you be the one packing your bags?
Have you entered yet? Are you in to win? Are you excited at the possibility of winning TEN GRAND in CASH for cruise travel? Does the thought of a vacation sound great about now? Tell me how you feel in the comments below!
Well, that’s it for me for today. If winning $10,000.00 for cruise travel to the Caribbean sounds good to you, then please make sure you’re in to win. But hurry – it’s ending soon! Best of luck to everyone!
Tina P.
Online Creative